Post delivery care center in koyilandy, calicut

Our women's health physiotherapist will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle with your baby during your postnatal period and eliminate postnatal issues like back pain, pelvic pain and urinary incontinence.

Post Delivery Physiotherapy Care

A woman’s body undergoes enormous changes during, and after pregnancy, often leading to pain, discomfort and, in rare cases, medical conditions. Post-delivery physiotherapy care can help problems such as pelvic floor pain, lower back pain, diastasis recti, urinary incontinence, sciatica, postpartum depression, general weakness. Physioplus has women’s health physiotherapists who will conduct a complete post-delivery care examination and physiotherapy program to assist you in maintaining a healthy lifestyle with your kid.

Condition We Treat
We attempt to address a number of the postnatal challenges that young mothers face.
Pelvic floor disorders
Pelvic floor pain
Lower back pain
Diastasis recti
Urinary Incontinence
SIJ Dysfunction
General weakness
What types of postpartum exercises and techniques are involved?
Depending on your condition and individual needs, treatment may include:

How Post Delivery Care Works

Your therapist will perform a comprehensive evaluation during your first visit and they will ask you detailed questions about your symptoms. Following this test, your PT will collaborate with you to develop an effective and personalized post delivery care physiotherapy treatment plan.

Physioplus female therapists will advise and teach you effective and safe exercises that have been proven to reduce back pain, pelvic pain, diastasis recti, incontinence and sciatica during your postpartum period. It will help you maximize your potential and reduce any post-labor complications.

Post Delivery Care Center in Calicut , Koyilandy

If you’re having back pain, pelvic pain, diastasis recti, incontinence and sciatica after childbirth you can benefit from our pelvic floor physical therapy.